Declarations Under Penalty of Perjury and Electronic Signatures |
All probate cases may be commenced by the electronic signature of an attorney,
or if required by statute may be commenced with the attorney’s declaration under
penalty of perjury, pursuant to KSA 53-601 and AG Opinion 2008-4, in lieu of
oath or affirmation before a notary public or judge. Attorneys may submit papers
and pleadings electronically through their secure logon using the signature
format of “/s/ Filing Person’s Name” on the signature line above their typed
name in the signature block in lieu of a cursive signature or scanned image.
Additionally, the filing attorney may submit affidavits and sworn statements of
witnesses, when appropriate, using the same declaration and an electronic
signature as defined in KSA 16-1602(i) or a registered certification authority
provided for in KSA 16-1602(p), or by attaching the scanned wet-ink signed
document in PDF format.