
Case Management Conference Order Samples:
Name: Thomas M. Sutherland
Date of Birth: November 20, 1959
Place of Birth: Prescott, KS
When Appointed: April 2003
By Whom Appointed: Governor Kathleen Sebelius
City of Residence: Lenexa, KS
Family: Wife, Melany; two children
- B.S. Biology, 1981, Baker University, Baldwin City, KS
- J.D. (Cum Laude), 1984, Washburn University
Career History:
- Law Clerk, Law Offices of Jerry R. Palmer, 1983-84
- Research Attorney for Justice Robert Miller, Kansas Supreme Court, 1984-86
- Private Practice, Holbrook & Osborn, P.A., 1986-2003
Civic and Professional Activities:
- Johnson County Bar Association
- Johnson County Bar Association Family Law Bench/Bar Committee
- Kansas Bar Association
- Kansas Bar Association Bench/Bar Committee
- Missouri Bar Association
- The Earl E. O'Connor American Inn of Court
- Baker University Alumni Board Member
- Lenexa United Methodist Church Children's Ministry Council
- Lenexa United Methodist Church Children's Sunday School "Shepherd"
- Bonjour Elementary School Block Parent Coordinator
- KC Metro Leadership Council of the American Lung Association