It is not unusual for the court to require youths to submit to psychological
testing in order to gather information and make decisions which will assist a
youth in benefiting from his or her experience with the court system. There are
three levels of testing used by the court.
Level I Assessment consists of a clinical interview. Questions to be answered in
a Level I Assessment include the following:
- Does this person need therapy?
- If so, how can this person benefit from therapy?
- If not, give an explanation.
- If they can benefit, what is the recommended treatment plan?
Expected time for a Level I Assessment is 1 hour.
Level II Assessment should include the same
information in Level I and should also include the following:
- An actuarial test (e.g., Millon, MMPI or Hilson Adolescent Profile; for younger
youths, other tests may be substituted)
- An I.Q. range (e.g., Shipley, Slossen)
- A clinical interview with DSM-IV diagnosis
- Treatment Recommendation
Expected time for a Level II Assessment is 2-4 hours.
A Level III Assessment consists of the same
information in a Level II and also includes the following:
- Projective Testing (e.g., TAT, Sentence Completion, Drawings, Rorschach)
- An ADHD Evaluation/Screen
- More specific intelligence testing if indicated (e.g., WISC)
Expected time for a Level III assessment is 4-6 hours.
Any licensed therapist in Kansas or Missouri is qualified to complete a Level I
assessment. A Level II may be completed by a master's level psychologist.
Only a licensed Ph.D. psychologist may complete a Level III assessment. We
suggest client's begin their search by contacting their insurance provider.
If you have questions regarding psychological testing, please contact your
supervising officer.