Prior to a juvenile being sentenced, Court Services Officers (CSOs) may be
required to prepare a pre-sentence report, as ordered by the
10th Judicial District Court.
These reports include, but are not limited to the following:
- Social History
- Victim’s Response
- Prior Record
- Educational Status
- Employment Status
- Description of Physical/Emotional Health
- History of Drug Use
- CSO's Comments and Recommendations to the Court
- Probation Plan, if appropriate
The following are special conditions of probation, commonly ordered by the
- Alcohol/Drug Evaluations and Treatment
- Psychological Evaluations
- Sex Offender Evaluations
- Attendance of Specialized Groups
- Community Service Work
CSOs in the juvenile probation unit are responsible for supervising juveniles
placed on probation by the 10th Judicial District Court.
While duties may vary, it’s the CSO's primary responsibility to ensure that the
juveniles comply with all conditions of probation set for by the respective
District Court Judge. Cases
are assigned to CSOs based on what school the juvenile attends. CSOs are
responsible for their assigned high school(s), and the middle schools that feed
into that particular high school. Juveniles of elementary age are assigned to
CSOs based on the middle school they will attend in the future.
If you have questions, please call (913) 715-7400 and ask for a juvenile officer.